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International Wheelchair Day 2024


I didn't know this was a thing until earlier today, but as a new active wheelchair user it felt quite poignant.

I knew that using a wheelchair as a pacing tool would give me freedom, independence and lessen the increase of pain I get from walking & subluxations. But it felt like I had to convince some of the people around me that this was a positive thing.

I guess that unless you have experienced the fear of falls (I had 4 bad falls in 5 months last year) or severe post activity pain that can last months in worst case scenarios, it must be harder to see what we can lose without mobility aids.

I will be honest and say that over the past 6 months, until my new wheelchair arrived, I shrank into someone that I didn't even recognise. I essentially stopped leaving the house unless I absolutely had to (e.g. School run). I stopped experiencing nature - something that I love so dearly, as it helps to give me some "balance" back. I took a step back from loved ones as it meant having to try and face the reality of not wanting/feeling able to leave the house.

I could see all of this happening, and felt utterly out of control - so I took back that control. I convinced those that I needed to that this was a step I had to take for me, for my physical AND mental health. We chose and ordered what felt best for me, and then waited the 7 long weeks until it arrived.

I am now back in a place where I can take my kids into town. I feel able to contemplate taking my eldest into London on my own to the theatre. I am back in nature with my family, getting covered in mud. 😆 I finally have the confidence once again to make short trips into the town centre on my own. I can even now travel to the town centre and back without my car!

My pain levels have reduced and started to stabilise. My fatigue has turned into I guess more of a tiredness if that makes sense? It's a good post exercise feeling as opposed to sluggishness. I am feeling far more mentally healthy. And I have taken utter joy in making my wheelchair "Gertrude" (Trudy for short) mine - bright, rainbow, light-up amazingness!

People say to me, "yes but the world isn't built for wheelchairs" and they are right, a lot of the world isn't. But, 1) what is a life where you never leave home? Or if you do, you end up pain for weeks/months? And 2) there are changes being made in the world. And I for one am here to help drive them.

So whether you do or don't use a wheelchair, Happy International Wheelchair Day anyway! And if you do ever happen to need to use one, try and remember this post - remember every

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