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3 min read
A teenagers perspective on pain
As a 14-year-old girl who suffers with hypermobility, I have found living with pain quite difficult at times, but I have found many ways...

5 min read
Dynamic fabric supports for more functional hypermobile joints
An overview of recent research on the use of dynamic orthosis in symptomatic hypermobility.

1 min read
Downloadable 'About hypermobility' info leaflet
A trifold leaflet giving an overview of hypermobility and how the Hypermobility Syndromes Association can help.

2 min read
What my pain feels like
Editors note: Anne, our Nottingham Local Group Leader suffered a bout of painsomnia recently, which led to this rather marvellous...

3 min read
6 Things I wish I’d known about exercise and hypermobility - a patient's perspective
I have a hypermobility syndrome (probably hypermobility Ehlers Danlos syndrome). The Hypermobility Syndromes Association’s (HMSA) topic...

2 min read
A volunteer's story
I recently went to a genetics appointment for my 7-month-old little boy. When he was having his new born check, the doctor started asking...

5 min read
A new screening tool – The Spider
By Simmonds JV1, 2, 3, Ellen Ewer1, 4, De Wandele Inge5, Kazkaz Hanadi2, 6, Ninis Nelly7, Rowe Peter8, Tang Eudora1, 6 Exciting news: An...

4 min read
My HMSA story
In December 2008, my partner proposed to me, and I was absolutely over the moon. I started planning my dream wedding for that July, only...

5 min read
How can Hypermobility Syndromes affect life insurance?
Thank you to Reassured who have written this sponsored blog post which we hope may be of interest. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic,...

5 min read
Where are we at with the diagnostic terms hEDS, HSD, JHS and hypermobility?
Over the past few months, I’ve interacted with many different health care professionals – physiotherapists, rheumatologists,...

1 min read
Getting Physical When Fully Flopped
In 2019 our #HMSAware campaign focused on the challenges of staying active with a hypermobility syndrome, exercising enough to stay...

11 min read
Posture and Movement
Dr Bull developed an interest in the Alexander technique when in training as a rheumatologist in the 1980s. He has taken lessons, and has...

1 min read
Advice For Life With hEDS
‘Advice for life’ with hEDS by Karen Merryweather Enjoy your extra 'bendiness', but look after the injuries. Be a dolphin, sea-lion or...

10 min read
Rare Disease Day 2020, Zoe's story, Arthrochalasia
My EDS Story – Zoe Lewis I have Ehlers-Danlos type 7. Arthrochalasia, there are believed to be around 40 confirmed cases in the world...

3 min read
HMSAware - My One True Medic
"After over 10 years suffering the excruciating pain and debilitating effects of bilateral plantar fascitis I was to finally meet a new...

2 min read
Pacing, Illness and HSD
As a general rule, I don't refer to my disabling conditions (HSD, POTS etc) as being ill or being sick. Why - when they can make me feel...
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