Patient support groups
About patient support groups
​The HMSA runs support groups across the UK for paid members.
These are highly recommended by our members (see Feedback), as well as by hospitals and medical professionals.
Our support groups are places where you can openly chat to other members who have similar issues and experiences to yourselves – people who just ‘get it’.
They are a place where you can share hints and tips on managing with any limitations you may have and discuss treatments/therapies. Above all it is a support group – i.e. a group of people with common issues who can support each other.
Each group meeting generally has a theme to start the conversation off and everyone will have their chance to contribute should they wish to. The idea is to keep the conversation positive and to help each other manage our condition – a safe place to talk with other people who may understand your situation. The monthly themes include things like mental health, crafts and hobbies, occupational therapy and adaptations, pain and fatigue management.
The majority of our meetings are now virtual (online) but there are the occasional physical meet ups in some locations.
As most of our meetings are online, it really doesn’t matter where you are in the country, you can still attend one - just email one of our lovely group leaders (list below) or keep an eye on the events page and e-news for the national groups and craft and chat sessions.
While regular attendance of our support groups is a benefit for paid members only, however non-members can attend one meeting before joining as a taster to see what they are like. Our group leaders are listed below, just send them an email and arrange a taster.
Current support groups
Location | Also covering | Email Address |
Cardiff | South West, Hampshire, and Wales. | |
East Anglia | East Anglia and South/South East | |
East Scotland | All of Scotland | |
Gateshead | All of North England, and Northern Ireland | |
Kent | East Anglia and South/South East | |
Nottingham | All Midlands and Yorkshire | |
South West | South West, Hampshire, and Wales. | |
Surrey | East Anglia and South/South East | |
Please note, we do not currently have any volunteers to run specific groups in Wales or Northern Ireland , but as previous mentioned anyone can attend any support groups provided they are a paid member.
We have some group leaders around the country running regional groups most months online (see list above). However, as they are online, you are very welcome to join ANY of the meetings (regardless of who you have signed up to) provided you are a paid member (for example, if there isn’t a group leader in your area or if your closest group meeting isn’t on a date/time suitable).
We also run national support group online every few months and we also have a craft and chat online catch up (also every few months) which are much less formal natters where you can spend an hour doing your favourite craft or just sit and have a cuppa with us and have a chat about anything (doesn’t have to be hypermobility or craft related.)
Do keep an eye on the members events page and your e-news to keep up to date regarding when these are.
For any other queries please contact the contact the Support Groups Co-Ordinator on
Most group leaders hold meetings once a month, but as they are all are volunteers; this will depend upon their availability.
If you would like to be on the circulation list to receive meeting invites via email for a specific support group, then please set your preference on our join a group form or email, but also check the events page
We are always on the lookout for new volunteer Group Leaders to help out and widen the load. The Group Leader role is now much simplified and only really needs to take a few hours a month. If you would like to find out more about the role, just let the Support Groups Co-ordinator know on or complete our volunteer application form.
Feedback from our members​
These are some of the lovely things people are saying about our support group meetings:
· It was really helpful to sit and chat through things which people have found helpful and to see how when we talked about it, we had positives in all our life
· Felt very welcome. Great discussion and sharing
· These zoom meetings have been so good to have, I would struggle to attend physical meetings (non driver) and everyone has been so welcoming and supportive since I’ve joined the meetings.
· Meeting goes quickly and even though I'm new to zoom meetings I'm getting used to how they work. Every person has chance to speak, I learn a lot from other people's experiences and how they deal with things, it's nice to see new people joining as well as catching up with familiar faces. Zoom meetings make it easier for people to join in from a distance as normal group meetings are a bit few and far between. The group leader leads the meeting well and makes sure everyone has a say in things.
· Fantastic meeting as always, such positive energy just like previous face to face and virtual meetings.
· I was worried about going to a support group as many are just moaning about their problems, but HMSA group I attend is not like that at all! Practical solutions and a good laugh.
· I laughed so much I popped a rib out!!!!
· I’ve learnt so much through this lovely group regarding how to manage my condition

Important Information for people attending support group meetings:
By attending a meeting, you agree to our disclaimer policy - contact your group leader or for more information.
Group Meetings are a benefit of HMSA membership and discussion will therefore be focused on HMS related issues and support for one another. Other subjects may be discussed but only at the discretion of the Group Leader (or their deputy).
Attendees must conduct themselves in an appropriate manner, being polite, respectful and courteous to the leader and other attendees. Any behaviour that is inappropriate or disruptive will not be tolerated and the individual will be reminded of the rules. If repeated reminders are needed or behaviour is threatening or abusive, then the individual may be asked to leave and subsequently may be banned from attending future meetings.