11 Mar 2022
Announcement from Local Groups Coordinator
I have some exciting news about three new local support groups starting up soon! These will be:
North Yorkshire
East Anglia
East Scotland
If you would like to sign up for these groups please log in to the website and amend your local group to the one you would like to join in order to get information from your local group leader regarding when the first group meeting will be held etc.
Go to https://www.hypermobility.org/join-a-group and scroll to the bottom of the page.
Select your choice from the dropdown list and submit (once you’ve proved you aren’t a robot 😊 )
These new groups are additional to our existing groups which are:
South West
Some of our groups will be having some physical meetings, but all of our groups will be continuing with online meetings as well, which means, even if you are not exactly local to a group, you can still join in an online group meeting, meaning every member has access to one of these. Local groups are places where you can openly chat to other members who have similar issues to yourselves. They are a place where you can share hints and tips on managing with your limitations and discuss treatments/therapies. We try to keep all the meetings light-hearted – although members often need to have a moan and groan, we also try to keep it positive and have a laugh 😊
To receive invitations to the meetings you will need to assign your group as above and join the relevant Facebook groups to chat with other members outside of the meetings. All the links for the Facebook groups are listed on https://www.hypermobility.org/join-a-group
If you have any questions about local groups or issues updating your group on the website, then please contact me on localgroups@hypermobility.org. Also contact me if you are interested in running or helping to run a local group – we always need volunteers to help out 😊