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Business Friends

Below is a list of Business Friends of the HMSA, with an overview of their products or service, details on how you can purchase, and the nature of the benefit to the HMSA. Anybody is welcome to purchase from our business friends. You do not have to be a member of the HMSA.

To apply to become a business friend, please email including a statement saying: 

How your business will support the HMSA

If your application is approved, what text would you like shown on our website?

Any further information such as (where relevant) how funds will be sent to the HMSA, and how frequently funds will be sent to the HMSA. 

Any image to be included with your entry in the Business Friends section of our website, please email it to We recommend that images are high quality, and are a maximum of 500 x 800 px.

Once you have submitted your application, we aim to get back to you within 7 days. We may be able to give an answer straight away, or we may need to ask for more information before making a decision.

(Please note that inclusion on this list does not mean that the HMSA endorses the product or service)

Finger shark

For each order made from Finger Shark with entering Discount code HMSA, 5% of profit will be donated to the HMSA.

Finger Shark is a small but motivated company specialising in Finger Sharks writing and typing stabiliser. We Designed and produced the Finger Shark as I believe passionately in aiding children and adults to carry out everyday tasks and writing without experiencing pain, The Finger Shark was designed to aid my own two hypermoblie children with their struggles and pain with writing and fine motor skills with much success I wanted to bring the Finger Shark to market so many more can benefit what my own children have.

Redcliffe House Publishing

Redcliff-House Publications ( is a small business set up to design awareness raising materials and publish literature that fill gaps in existing information provision - benefiting patients, healthcare professionals and charities. A percentage of the profit from EDS/HSD related literature and apparel sold is donated to nominated EDS/HSD charities and non-profit organisations. By working together, we aim to eliminate the duplication of efforts, save charities and non-profits precious funds and raise money for charity at the same time.

Stickman Communications

For each order made from Stickman Communications via this link, the HMSA earns 20% of the total value of the order placed. In addition, for each copy of 'You know you have HMS/EDS when...' sold, £1 is donated to the HMSA.

Stickman Communications produces a range of products that promote understanding and acceptance of disabilities and medical conditions, including books, keyring cards, pin badges, leaflets and and posters relevant to a range of HMSs (hEDS, cEDS, vEDS, marfan syndrome, HSD) as well as autonomic dysfunction, MCAS, pacing, fatigue, pain, autism, and other linked symptoms and management techniques.


The founder, Hannah Ensor, who lives with HSD and PoTS said "The HMSA is the reason I got diagnosed, and the reason I have learned (or am learning!) to live well in the body I have, so I wanted to do something to give back to this special charity which has made such a difference to my life."

(Disclosure: Hannah Ensor is was chair of the HMSA from 2019 - 2021, and is a current volunteer. The decision on whether to accept Stickman Communications as a business supporter was made in accordance with our 'conflicts of interest' proceedure)

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