Trustee vaccancy
The HMSA is a small and dynamic charity that helps those living with hypermobility syndromes (and carers and families) to be independent and live well. We also provide education for professionals in social care, health, teaching and local authority employees. We have big plans to expand our offer to our members and professionals, as well as raise the profile of the charity and hypermobility syndromes. Recognising that most people with these conditions present and are supported in primary care, we are keen to recruit someone with a background in Primary Care to help us develop our plans.
The Trustee role involves:
Preparing for and attending quarterly board meetings – 2 hours in the evening or a half day on a Saturday (half online/half in person if possible)
·Providing support/guidance to the other Trustees, the CEO as well as staff/volunteer team. This may include small group working in between Board meetings.
Developing and supporting our Clinical Advisory Group.
Promoting the HMSA to primary care and other health and social care professionals.
In addition, there may-be other events such as volunteer/staff/member meetings or conferences that would be useful to have Trustee support
Once accepted, Trustees serve an initial 3-year term which can be renewed twice (maximum 9 years) – however there is no official minimum time limit and Trustees can step down at any point as necessary.
All Trustee roles are unpaid, but we support expenses to cover travel costs. Being a trustee of HMSA, you can expect to get a great sense of achievement from helping a small charity achieve its purpose and help support people affected by hypermobility to live well.
To find out more please contact