Hypermobility and Sexual Function
Hypermobility and Sexual Function

Summary of the survey: The survey is roughly 15-minutes and anonymous via REDCap to individuals who are 18 years or older, assigned female at birth, and have a hypermobility spectrum diagnosis which includes Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (hEDS/cEDS). The questionnaire will assess gynecological concerns and their impact on individuals with hypermobility regarding avoidance, fear, relationships, sexual dysfunction, and quality of life. Quality of life will be assessed using the World Health Organization Quality of Life brief scale (WHOQOL-BREF). Sexual dysfunction will be assessed using the Female Sexual Functioning Index (FSFI). Original questions are follow-up questions to the two included measures, such as sexual functioning’s impact on various relationships. The study aims to assess the psychological and day-to-day impact of gynecological concerns in hypermobile individuals. Additionally, it will provide guidance as to the gynecologically-informed treatments utilized/recommended in the hypermobile population.
Link: https://redcap.midwestern.edu/surveys/?s=YWRWPL949H
Brona Hagins, M.A. (she/her)
Clinical Psychology Doctoral Student,
Sex Psychology Community Outreach Coordinator,
Midwestern University.